Water Machine for your Home

How clean is your water? It will not matter if you have the best Water Machine for your Home!! Tap water usually has chlorine, fluoride and other harmful chemicals in it. Furthermore, if you are a bottled water drinker you may be drinking tiny particles of plastic from the bottle itself.

We have found the solution for your water dilemma right here. This amazing Water Machine will not only purify your water, but will save you money. You can purify water in your own home for less than two cents a gallon. You will not only help your health by using this, but the health of our environment also. This water machine is glass. So you will be helping by not creating more plastic waste that is harmful for our environment.

I personally have well water and I refuse to drink it. For the last 10 years I have purchased jugs of water at the store or even bottles of water. I honestly can not image how much money I have spent on water, and how much harmful waste I have created by throwing those plastic bottles away. I DO know what my next purchase will be!! GO HERE NOW TO GET YOURS!!

Water Machine for your Home

How This Water Machine For Your Home Works

There are two chambers in this Water Machine. The top chamber allows the water to pass through the purifiers and then is stored in the bottom chamber. The bottom chamber has a three-gallon capacity. Each unit comes with two cutting edge gravity purification elements, which can filter up to 6,000 gallons or last over 10 years if you consume a gallon and a half a day.

With the all glass water filtration system you will not have the metallic or plastic taste in your water. You will just have your refreshing and clean water!! GET YOURS HERE!!

How “Clean” Is The Water Machine Water?

It is 99% Bacteria Free!! The Water Machine filters out:

  • Bacteria like E. coli
  • Chlorine
  • Viruses
  • Chloramines
  • Parasites
  • Fluoride
  • Heavy Metals
  • Trihalomethane (THMs)
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Petroleum Contaminants
  • Bisphenol-A (BPA)
  • Radiologicals
  • Perfluorochemicals (PFOAS)
  • Herbicides & Pesticides

I had no idea all that could be in my water. Scary!

Easy Maintenance

Instruction videos are available and the unit can be assembled in less than 5 minutes. You will need to clean filters…at least once a year! That is your maintenance. I told you it was easy. What are waiting for? Find all the information you are looking for RIGHT HERE!!

Also, a portion of all our sales go to non-profit organizations that help others get clean water, such as Water.org and charitywater.org, so every purchase helps more people than you may realize.

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