TV – The future of TV is here

The world of Technology is changing yet again. Certainly, TV from this point on, will never be the same. You will see less and less Satellite Dishes and Cables on the sides of houses or on the roofs. Why you say? Well here is some of the new technology coming your way. For example, you can download TV to your Smartphone, Tablet, or your PC. This is a Global Movement for all of us to enjoy!!

This Free TV is the beginning of an amazing journey into our future of technology. You can set up a Reward Point System through what we call the Tipping Circle. From there, you’ll be able to download and activate Free TV. And then, you can gain access to Free TV Broadcasts, and also receive Reward Points for watching TV.


We will provide the information you need to know and see, once you are connected to your FREE TV. We help people access TV all around the Globe with this program.

Start your Free TV . Follow the Steps Below:

  • SIGN UP for Free TV Right Here: You will connect to “The Performance Giving Network” or PGN for short. This is not only where you get FREE PREMIUM TELEVISION, but you are able to continue with FREE TV. In addition, you can even make an income from sharing FREE Television; and more.
  • Free Chat: Yes we said free chat. But even better yet, get paid to chat!!
  • Free Online Gaming: This pays you to play with some of best games out there.

We are just getting started on growing and sharing all over the world. It is important to us, as the “The Performance Giving Network”, to create a solution to hunger and poverty throughout the world. Everybody deserves the chance to get the resources they need and provide for their families. Undoubtedly, there are the most incredible resources here and we are finding more everyday. The Premium Television Programming is just the start. The Education of people is the next step. When you teach them how to earn incomes and give them access to the internet, they can grow from there.

You will have the best TV Programming with Premium Channels. You can start; And save money.

In conclusion, the tools are available to help people around the world. The “Performance Giving Network” is growing everyday. Educating and providing the tools to create income are a primary focus to end poverty. You can join the movement today. Join the PGN, and use these unique tools that are provided for you. You can help others today!