The Healthier Cookie Choice

We have found the healthier cookie choice for you, that tastes amazing. It is very hard to find food that can help your health instead of hurting it. Especially a cookie!! These amazing cookies will give some variety back in the diet of people who have to watch what they eat.

I am very diabetic and really struggle to find things low in carbs and sugar that does not taste like paper or other nasty things!! I really get bored with things I can eat and although sugar is not my friend, I still love it. When I looked at the numbers of carbs and sugars on these cookies, I was amazed by how low they were. So of course, I had to try them and WAS NOT disappointed!! I really encourage you to try them yourself by, CLICKING HERE!!

Healthier Cookie x4 Really Bring the Flavors!

Sampler Pack-Healthier Cookie

These amazing healthier cookies come in four amazing flavors:

  • Banana Chocolate Chip
  • Blueberry Shortbread
  • Dark Chocolate Chip
  • Sweet Almond

Is it time to place your order yet? Don’t they sound amazing!! I highly recommend getting the sampler pack, so you can try all the amazing flavors!! If you are ready, Check it out HERE!

What Makes a Healthier Cookie.

So lets start with all the stuff these cookies DO NOT HAVE.

  • They are Dairy Free
  • Gluten, Grain and Wheat Free
  • Non GMO
  • No Cane Sugars or Sugar Alcohols
  • Soy and Gum free

These are the amazing things these cookies DO HAVE.

  • Low Net Carbs
  • Prebiotic Fiber For Gut Health
  • They are Keto and Paleo Friendly
  • Great ingredients that help your body

Ingredients That Help Your Body.

The following ingredients are just a few of the healthier cookie ingredients and what purpose they have in making these cookies great.

Hazelnuts have fiber which is good for gut health and offer healthy unsaturated fats. In addition, they also provide protein, Vitamin B, Vitamin E and help lower cholesterol.

Tiger Nuts is rich in digestive fiber, antioxidants, healthy fats, and big on nutrients.

Apple Cider Vinegar which is naturally sweet helps improve digestion, weight loss, and improves insulin sensitivity.

Others include: Sunflower Lecithin, Monk Fruit Extract, Eggs, and Coconut Oil. These are not all, but you can see each ingredient has its own purpose to not only make the cookie better for your health but also make them delicious!! Come find all the ingredients and their purpose in these HEALTHY COOKIES HERE!!

Health Cookie Ideas!

I have so many ideas for these cookies, but I will only list a few. I would feel good about giving these cookies to kids including my own, so I think this would be great for stocking stuffers, after school treats, Easter baskets, or Halloween treats. This would be a healthier alternative to candy. I am sure there are other ideas that you could come up with, but if you are curious and need to see for yourself GO HERE NOW, to find all the information you need!!

If you want to see my other stocking stuffer ideas for this holiday season, you can check out the ideas HERE!!