Shoe Carrier Clip

The most amazing Shoe Carrier Clip that you wish you had a long time ago. This is an amazing device that helps you carry your shoes by attaching them to your backpack. This is great for cleats, boots, joggers, or even skates. Some of those shoes are very heavy and awkward. So why not lighten your load and carry them on your back instead of in your hands.

This is really great for athletes!! I used to play softball for fun. For the most part I was in charge of the majority of the equipment. So that included balls, bats, and gloves. So imagine carrying that along with my shoes and the scoresheets. It was very difficult and I always needed to make several trips or ask for help. The worst part is, even if they would have fit in the equipment bags, they were so smelly you did not want them in there anyways. A Shoe Clip Carrier would have been Amazing!!

Shoe Carrier Clips for Your Kids.

NEW Gen 2.0 Klitch Sport Footwear Clip, Black Shoe Carrier Clip

I know there are parents out there that have kids who play sports. This is a great alternative for those stinky gym bags because this clips the shoes to the outside of the bag. Therefore, giving the shoes a chance to air out because they are not confined inside the bag and they are much easier to carry that way. In addition, some sports shoes are just to big and bulky to fit in gym bags, so you would end up carrying them all the time!! I have not yet included ski boots, hockey skates or figure skates. Imagine carrying those around. Yuk!!


Here is another great use for these clips. Most people store their shoes on the floor in your closet. I don’t know about everyone else but my closet is so full, I have stacked most of my shoes. Therefore, when I am looking for a certain pair of shoes for an event, I have to get on my hands and knees to dig for them. Well why not clip 2 or 3 pairs to a hanger and hang them in maybe a coat closet. I know this would help me a lot, and I am in the process of doing this a few at a time!! If this is something that would help you organize, Find them HERE!

I am sure there are many more awesome uses that I have not yet thought of, but I do know the benefits of getting these are amazing. And even would be a great gift for the athletes in your life!!

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