Mobile Vital Monitoring Device

Vmed smartphone case is a Mobile Vital Monitoring Device. This is an amazing Smartphone case that not only keeps your phone safe, but will help you monitor your health. It is so incredibly easy to do. It connects to the Vmedical app that you download to your phone and scans your fingers on the sensors on the case. After the meter reaches 100% you are done. You now have 10 vitals measurements tracked by your phone case. Wow Right!!!

Now your smart phone has a smart buddy that can work with each other to help keep track of your health. This Mobile Vital Monitoring device will track 10 of your body’s vitals. (Fits all phone models) My first thought, when i first heard about this is Wow this is Amazing!! My second was I am never going to be able to afford this. And I was wrong (on the second thought), they have 3 different purchase options that are very reasonable and depending on your insurance, some will help on the cost. Get started by going here to find the best option for you.

My Smartphone Case

I personally have experienced a lot of medical issues in the past. When I was at my very worst and didn’t want to move, I would have to track all my vitals and record them on a piece of paper, morning and night. I would then turn that into my Doctor every week. I just think this would have been so much easier for me at the time, then digging out a blood pressure cuff, tracking papers and a pencil. My phone was right there with me all the time!! Even now, I still track my blood pressures and heart rates and this Vmed Smartphone case works perfect for my needs. It makes my life so much easier. Make your life easier also. Get started Here!!

10 Body Measurements recorded by your Mobile Vital Monitoring Device.

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8 Essential Body Stats Measured:

  • HR Variability (HRV) This is simply a measurement of time between each heart beat.
  • Blood Oxygen (Sp02)- Which measures saturation of oxygen of the blood.
  • Temperature
  • Electro Cardio Gram (ECG/EKG)
  • Heart Rate (HR)
  • Blood Pressure
  • Breathing Rate (BR)
  • BR Variability (BRV)

2 Overall Body Analysis Results:

  • Vmed Stress Analysis Test- This gives you a report of overall stress tracked over time.
  • Vmed Fatigue Analysis: This is also tracked over time, but this assesses your overall fatigue.

The phone case battery charges separately from the phone, but with normal use the battery lasts up to 10 days. In addition, it charges in about 20 MINUTES.

This vital tracking can also be very helpful for people training for sports. For example: Runners, lifting weights or even cardio. This device has the unique feature of tracking your temp also, which is not available on a smart watch.

This is a great product, with great reviews and can help you monitor your health everyday very easily. The cost is also very reasonable. So go Here Now to see more information and find pricing options that will fit your need.

There are so many more products coming your way, so I encourage you to visit often in the upcoming months. There are more Health and Fitness products you can view on the site by Going HERE.