Learn a New Language

Have you tried before to Learn a New Language and struggled learning anything. We have found for you a new way to learn a new language. The best part, you can do this by watching TV. That is so incredible since people love to do this anyways. How amazing is that.

You can dramatically increase your vocabulary in your 2nd language in just 3 to 4 episodes. Furthermore after 8 episodes you will gain confidence, and your comprehension will skyrocket. Your brain will quickly acquire new words and phrases of the context of each show. The more you watch, the more you learn.

Lingopie: Learning a Foreign Language Abroad Can be Fun [2021 Review] Learn a New Language

There is Thousands of hours of great TV available to pick from. These include access to daily news, comedies, travel shows and much more. In addition, new shows and movies are added each month, so there is more to learn from. The reason this is successful is because you are learning from the actual content from the show. You are not trying to drill words in your brain one at a time. Instead you learn them with phrases. Start learning your new language HERE!!

Learn a New Language: How It Works.

I really want to stress that you work at your own pace. There are different settings that help you do this. The first one is you can play back a certain phrase over and over again until you are comfortable with it. The second one you can turn it to beginner so the talking goes slower. I definitely took advantage of that.

They list both language on the bottom so you can see what you are trying to say, but you can turn them off if you want to. In addition, they also have a mashup available, which puts one or two words you are learning into your language. This helps you try to figure out the word based on its context. I am telling you this is the way to go to learn a new language, SO GO HERE NOW!

So Why Would You Want To Learn a New Language?

Learn a new language

There are so many reasons to learn a new language. I personally started to learn Spanish, because it would make my life so much easier at work. When you are working as a team, communication is key and the best way to do that is to remove all the barriers that stand in your way.

Another reason may be to communicate with some family members. When I was a child my grandparents would speak German when they did not want us kids to know what they were talking about. I thought I would be smart and took German in school. Uh Yeah, that did not work due to the fact didn’t learn enough before the end of the school year was up. I learned more numbers, letters, greetings, months and basic things. But not a lot of phrases to have a conversation.

Those are a couple of reasons that I want to do this. I really wish this would have been available to me long ago. I am sure this would have helped me greatly!! You can get started by Going Here!

What Languages Can You Learn.

The available languages are

  • Spanish
  • French
  • German
  • Russian
  • Portuguese
  • Italian

They are still adding to the this list, so if there was a specific language you were looking for, it may be coming. Check back with them occasionally to find out. But if one of these languages is the one you were looking for GO HERE NOW!!

These are a few comments from Happy Customers that have Learned a New Language!

“I love that I can learn Spanish just by watching Spanish TV shows and telenovelas!” – Edward L

“Learning Spanish with TV is one of the most effective and fun ways to absorb the language. My students love it.” – Spanish Language Professor

“A fantastic way to learn a language – through watching TV! Have fun, binge tons of shows, and learn along the way. lingopie.com . I was not paid to do this, I did this because I wanted to spread the word.”

Don’t go yet!

While you are learning you may need a Mental Boost to help keep you focused on your Learning. Find more information on how to do that RIGHT HERE!!