We have found some amazing product that support Keto and Ketosis. What is that you ask? Here is a very simple explanation with more at the bottom of the page. A Keto diet consists of low carbohydrate and sugar intake and high fat intake. This causes Ketosis, which is the process that happens when your body doesn’t have enough carbohydrates or sugar to burn for energy. So instead, it burns fat and makes ketones, which your body can use for fuel. The product we have for you enhances this process and they were specifically designed to help in this process. Achieve your Keto goals today with Keto Creamer!!!
You will maximize the effectiveness and quickly turn fat into energy. That way you can kick start your day and See incredibly quick Results.
Overall the Best Support System for the Keto Lifestyle!!
You will receive the best value by going through our page to order these Amazing Products. (You will get the lowest possible pricing!!) All three are from the same Manufacturer, and that is why they work so well together. These products are actually designed to do that. When you use them together you can reach goals faster and stay healthier longer!
SlimROAST Coffee : The Keto Lifestyle has a support system through these many incredible products . Coffee is by far the most popular with 2 different flavors, Brazilian and Italian. Both support weight loss and Keto and are growing in demand worldwide. In addition, they are both formulated with natural appetite suppressants and detox components. Start your day with a helpful boost and feel good about your day!
Hot Cocoa: Don’t drink coffee? Or even if you do we have the perfect treat for you!! This works just like the coffee, except you can enjoy some rich chocolaty delicious cocoa instead. The Slimroast Cocoa also supports Keto and you can combine with the Keto Creamer and the PreVail Max, just like the Coffee. This chocolaty Cocoa you don’t have to feel guilty drinking!!
Keto Creamer – Mix this tasty creamer to your SlimRoast Coffee or Cocoa for that added kick to your day. It supports Keto by having no sugar and helps transports healthy fat to your blood stream. From there your body can use that healthy fat and turn into energy for your body. It also supports healthy blood sugar, for those diabetics out there (NO SUGAR IN IT). Add the Prevail Max to this and WOW!!
It releases the sugars stored in the fat cells
Provides brain nourishment by sending it healthy fats
Stimulates serotonin
Mood lifter
Instantly Dissolves
Tastes Great
Reduces Cravings
I personally have tried diet after diet and have had some successes, but then gain it back for one reason or another. I am pretty sure there are a lot of people out there on that diet roller coaster also. Part of the reason that people have problems losing weight is because their bodies are not burning fat. When you diet, your bodies natural response is to burn sugar way before fat. If your meals are high in sugar or carbohydrates which turn into sugar, it will burn that first. A “Keto” diet consists of eating less carbs and less sugar, and instead eating more Healthy Fats. This process is called Ketosis and is very helpful for losing weight quickly because it is burning the fat off instead of the sugars. Even after stopping a Keto diet, studies have shown, most people were able eat less without craving more.
PrevailMAX – Maximum hydration is an important key to healthy red blood cells. We call this osmotic pressure. You can actually see this work under a microscope, it is similar to a fully inflated basketball. The cell becomes round and tight. While electromagnetically charging the cells enhances their osmotic pressure, it causes rapid cellular hydration and the ability to carry oxygen, vitamins, and minerals into the cells throughout the body.
PrevailMAX™ is an Amazing breakthrough that is nutritional, and provides a rapid boost of blood cell pressure to speed absorption in the cells. As a result, the body is now enabled to use the nutrients in foods and supplements, and the electrolytes are tiny enough to enter the cells membranes. Then they latch to your cells and can be carried into the body to the place it is needed. In addition, you will find that you have better mental clarity, focus and have increased energy.
What is Ketosis?
The process that allows the body to burn stored fan instead of glucose (Sugar) is called Ketosis. Fat is not soluble in water, but when you have Ketosis working in your body, fat becomes water soluble. It now can travel through your bloodstream and nourish your heart and brain. Ketone bodies are made only when sugar is not available, so when you have Ketones in the bloodstream, your body is in Ketosis. In order to keep this process going it is important to have low sugar intake and high healthy fat diet, which will continue to promote natural Ketosis. You will benefit from this by having a stimulated, nourished brain. In addition, the body releases sugars, instead of storing them, so you can balance glucose levels throughout your body.
All three of these amazing products support the Keto Lifestyle and work together to support better health. This is an Amazing Company with great ideas, which they continue to add to their list. Shop here now to get yours!!
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