Joiful Bee Hair Care

For those of you out there that were born with Naturally Curly or Incredibly thick Hair. I would guess you have had problems with retaining moisture, breakage, and detangling your hair. We have found someone who has had the same issues and it inspired her to create these amazing Joiful Bee Hair Care tools for you!! These tools are actually part of a kit that naturally helps with kinks, curls and coils in your hair.

After not finding a solution to her problems, she turned to creating her own solution. For this reason, you now have access to this kit of 5 natural hair tools that helps you take control of your hair.

A Joiful Bee Hare Care Solid and Consistent ROUTINE!

Joiful Bee Hare Care

Your routine is the key and is the most important detail of growing natural hair. If you focus on a consistent routine and add this amazing kit you will be amazed with the results!! Joi, herself experienced hair growth, bouncy curls, and didn’t have to worry about stiff hair. She no longer has the desire to use heating tools on her hair at all.

There are 5 steps you need to incorporate in your routine. Each step corresponds with a tool that is in this amazing kit.

Joiful Bee Hare Care
  • Scalp Massaging Tool: This amazing tool helps get your shampoo to your scalp, and makes your scalp incredibly clean. This stimulates the growth of your hair, fights breakage and also makes you feel so clean and fresh.
  • Conditioning Cap: This microwavable cap promotes Moisturizing. Who doesn’t need that, thick hair or thin hair!! Apply your favorite deep conditioner and pop on the microwavable cap and this will help you have soft, moisturized curls.
  • Honeycomb Detangling Brush: Normal Brushes are hard and tend to yank at tangles, therefore causing breakage in your hair. The Joiful Bee Hair Care brush actually bends, twists and stretches. This moves with your hair and helps detangle without extreme breakage of the hair. In addition, it is amazingly easy to clean after using it.
  • Microfiber Towel Turban: Undoubtedly, this sounds like the preferred method of drying your hair not matter what type of hair you have!! And I do not know about anyone else, but after washing my hair and putting the towel on it, every time I lean my head, the towel falls off. This Is a microfiber towel, not cotton. The microfiber caresses your curls instead of ripping then out. Plus, this amazing towel has a button closure to turn it into a turban that does not fall off! The ultimate benefit is it prevents breakage and by not using a hair dryer prevents split ends.
  • Continuous Spray Bottle: Tired of pumping normal spray bottles? This spray bottle has a continuous spray that quickly brings the moisture to your curls. Additionally, you can add your favorite oil with the water to add an extra boost to your curls throughout the week. How amazing right!!


  • Wash day should never be a chore. With this Joiful Bee Hair Care, it will not feel like a chore again. Come see these amazing products RIGHT HERE!! Oh and heads up there are accessories also!! You can also learn more about Joi and the creation of her amazing products!!

But Wait There is More!!

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