Helium Hot Spot

Helium Hot Spot is a solution available to anyone as a way to earn income. You have found a way to be a part of a revolution for people to have a network that belongs to the people. This is some incredible technology that you will want to get involved in.

You can Start by getting a Helium Hot Spot for yourself. The first thing to do is to order one. When you receive it, then you will need to get connected. You will receive easy instructions to get set up. In addition, you have the option to take a bigger part in this. You will be able to find more information after you sign up.

You Can Connect Devices using your Helium Hot Spot

Once you have completed the set up process for your Helium Hot Spot, and you have activated it; you are able to Connect millions of devices to the internet, in your city.

Now You Can Earn Tokens

This Hotspot will earn you a new type of cryptocurrency which is called Helium. Also, Helium is set up to last a very long time.

The People Own the Network

You will be a part of thousands of partners in making this an incredible success. Join a network that belongs to the people and not to the corporations. This is literally sharing the $Trillions in income from the telecommunication companies around the World, with the World. This is the largest wealth redistribution process in the World and will benefit many, rather than the few that are employed by the companies.

You Will Connect Millions of IoT Devices in your City…

Helium Hot Spot

All kinds of loT (Internet of Things) devices can connect to the internet through the Hotspots without using Wi-Fi or cellular devices. Examples of these are smart pet collars, bike trackers, or any other compatible trackers and more..

You can get started Today, right here with your own Helium Hot Spot. You can start with just 1 and see if you like this or get as many as you want. The Performance Giving Network gives you access to their incredible support team, that will help you get connected. They can help you deploy this anywhere in the World and then you can see how you can be an even bigger part in the communities around the world. Indeed, we are sharing this with as many participants as we possibly can.

Performance Giving Network has all of the information you need. The underlined purpose of this is to create ways to make peoples lives better and end poverty. This method of wealth redistribution is just one of the ways that we can help make this happen.

These are some of the other ways that we can help eliminate poverty around the world. Visit these pages to find out more information on how your can make a difference: Paid to Chat program, Paid to Game program, and Paid to Watch TV program. Free TV, premium television. In addition, we are adding to our methods all the time. This is a huge movement, and if you like helping others, this is where you need to be!!!