Games have always been a source of entertainment throughout the years. If you think about it, people had competitions long ago, like racing. However today, we have amazing technology that allows us to have games on mobile apps or the ability to play online games.  The technology and the graphics are by far better and better every day. In addition, the player experience has become so realistic, that it seems like they are really there. And you can now get this same experience on your phone as well. All of this is available here as well as the World of Warcraft add on that we feature. All others games are in the TippingCircle below:

Get Paid to Chat: You will start with the World’s most Secure Chat Program. This will provide a Decentralized System that can never be compromised. Therefore, Your privacy has never been more secure. Then we pay you to use it. Share it with others and earn even more. Start chatting and earning here:

Get Paid to Game: Now anyone can be considered a Pro Gamer. You Can Make unlimited incomes to Play, Share and Connect through the rapid advancing world of Video Games Online. Through the latest in the expanding Entertainment World of Games, You Can Now Get Paid.  Start earning as you enjoy the Latest and Greatest Video Games Here:


TippingCircle Access to Games: The “TippingCircle” ties everything together. It is like the wallet of the Performance Giving Network. The Reward points and Earning while you Game can be tracked here. The games available are incredible and helping the world end poverty. New games are added all the time and the “TippingCircle” helps you track and redeem prizes, and more. See the details all here:

Gaming technology is constantly finding newer and greater ways to make your gaming experience unbelievable!! It is the same here, we are finding ways to help the world live better lives, by gaining an income. There is something available for everyone in your whole family. You can see the details within the TippingCircle details. You can get this absolutely free!! There are so many other opportunities here for you. From TV (free and the lowest paid pricing for full access ever) to Music, Shopping and much more!