Football Game For Fans To Play

This is the best Football Game For Fans EVER!! Ok, maybe I should say for Football Lovers!! This one of a kind Football Game is gaining in popularity very quickly. Every one absolutely loves it and why wouldn’t they. It folds up and has its own bag, and you can take it anywhere! Originally created to play during tailgating, it has expanded to backyard BBQ parties, fun in the park, family get togethers, or out by the lake. The great part is anyone can do this. Whether you are young or old or physically fit or not so much, anyone can play! This is your opportunity to play football instead of watching it all the time. How amazing is that!!

Football Game for fans to play

Fans of this football game absolutely love this so much that they have sent in their own personal game rules that they have come up with. There are some of those rules that have been adopted in the official rules for this game, which you receive when you buy it. You will find basic game rules at the bottom of this page.

This portable, take anywhere game, could even come with your favorite “NFL or College” team flag or football if you choose to get them. You can even get referee flags so YOUR fans can boo the refs. That is why this game is so great for tailgating! Get it now HERE so you can be the next MVP at your tailgate party!

Football Game For Fans; See How it Works!

The video below shows people actually playing this game, but to find out more about rules, I have listed those towards the bottom. Keep in mind, this is the only football game in the market, so when you get this it will be a hit at your party, because it is something original.


  • Set up your Chairs so they are in Game Mode
  • Chairs should be placed about 40 feet apart (You can adjust according to skill or age level)
  • Game can be played either 1 on 1 (each player on opposite sides or 2 on 2 (teammates are on opposite sides). You could do 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 if you have enough players.
  • To start players alternate throws
  • 3 Points – If you Hit the Chair on a Pass
  • 6 Points- If player/team throws the ball into basket this is a TOUCHDOWN!!
  • Extra Point – When you score a touchdown, you now kick the ball through the goal posts to get 1 extra point. BUT IF YOU KICK THE BALL AND IT GOES IN THE BASKET YOU WIN THE GAME!!
  • 2 Points – If the ball bounces on the ground during a throw and lands in the basket, the OFFENSIVE TEAM gets 2 Points.
  • 3 Points – Defending team can earn 3 points if they catch a rebound from the chair before it hits the ground.  Defending team must allow the ball to hit the chair first.
  • Switch sides when the leading team reaches 12 pts, 24 pts, 36 pts, 48 pts
  • First team to reach 54 and is 2 points ahead of other team WINS !  Losing team gets last licks, one final throw.
Limited Edition Red Game Set

Additional Rules For Pros:

Those are the basic rules of the game, but you have the option to make it very interesting. They also have Pro Rules, such as Pick-6 Rule, and a Muffed Extra Point Attempt Rule. In addition, you could do a Hail Mary, do Laterals, or use blocking. You can find all those additional details HERE!! Don’t hesitate, tackle your doubts and get yours today!!

Not only a Football Game for Fans…

This is an AMAZING GIFT IDEA for those Football “Fan”-atics in your life! And it is not only a game these are actual chairs you can sit on so they have two functions.

This is also a great idea for keeping kids active. You can take this to the park, the beach or even invite other kids for play date in your back yard. Even the schools could incorporate this in P.E. as a flag football version. The scoring is easy and the rules come with each kit.

I am sure most everybody has a cornhole game, bocce ball, crochet or other outside games they play at get togethers. So why not bring some original fun with this amazing Football Game, that anyone can play!! DON’T FUMBLE THE BALL GET IT NOW HERE!!


Football game for fans

These Brilliant Brothers, Mike and Frank Silva, created this game because of their love of the game. After Family Dinners over 30 years ago, they would use two trashcans and throw footballs in them to score. and make up the rules of the game as they went. Then the neighbors started coming over and the game was created and transformed into what they sell today. This unique game is so incredibly fun and people will be enjoying this for years to come. They have built there memories with this game and continue to do so. So now they offer it to you to create memories of you own!! Get it Now! Time for the Hail Mary!!

Not Only For Men

For all those women out there who loves sports, don’t hesitate to join the game because this game is for everyone!! But you could look really good while doing it by checking out my page for Women’s sportwear that can also be Casual. This is sportswear specially designed for women made with amazing fabrics. You really need to see this Right Here!!