We like Entertainment!! Entertainment keeps life interesting, whether it be movies, television or games. Our interest in these activities has helped us create the internet as we know it today. Undoubtedly, with all the technology advances that have taken place, we now can do all of these things online. Even now, we can get paid while doing the things we love to do and there are many more opportunities that are available. This empowers each and every one of us. We can spread the wealth and happiness around the world!!

A new way to TV – ACCESS TV through your smartphone, computer, tablet. ALL FREE! Because of this, you can be a part of a huge Movement called “The Performance Giving Network”. You can share incredible programs and doing so in a way to attack Poverty, and also create a better way of Life for all. Get Access Here:

Cartoon Animation History. Take a trip back to your childhood with this incredible Cartoon Animation artwork. This artwork was actually used in the making of the original cartoons. Certainly, this would be an amazing addition on your wall or great gift ideas. Come find your favorite cartoons and bring back all those great memories Right Here!

Crafting With Tanya.  Arts and Entertainment is not always digital.  If you are a more hands on crafty person. This is the perfect place for you. Get involved with the crafting community and make things that show the people you love, that you care. She brings creativity to you, whether it be scrapbooking, making planners, or making projects. See how by watching the YouTube Sensation HomeWithTanya and see how you can bring out your Crafty side.  Find the Details:

Get Paid to Chat: The World’s most Secure Chat Program is now available for you. This is complete with a Decentralized System that can never be compromised. Therefore, your privacy has never been more secure. Then we pay you to use it. For this reason, share it with others and earn even more. Start chatting and earning here:

Get Paid to Game: Now, anyone can receive the title of Pro Gamer. Making unlimited incomes to Play, Share and Connect through the rapid advancing world of Video Games. Of course, these are the latest in the expanding Entertainment World of Games. You can find all the information you need to know. Can’t wait till you see it all. Start earning as you enjoy the Latest in the Hottest Video Games Here:

Karaoke Fun for Everyone: Karaoke is not only for bars anymore!! Now you can create the most amazing memories with this incredible portable Karaoke machine. When you find out who created this and the amazing functions it has, you will understand why you need this one. Be you own Rockstar and go RIGHT HERE FOR DETAILS.

Stocking Stuffer Ideas For Santa: Santa may need some help this year finding Ideas for stocking stuffers. I think we can help him out with that!! I have put together a list of a few unique ideas that you may have not seen before or thought of putting in stockings. There may be some adult stocking ideas also. I can only hope Santa puts some of these in my stocking!!


TippingCircle: This is an incredible App. It is a Global Payment and Reward system that is connected to our very own “The Performance Giving Network”. You can connect to this Network. And therefore, Become part of the Movement to End Poverty and Increase the Quality of Life. You are about to become part of the change HERE:

Wine Magic: Reward yourself today, with the amazing tastes of these Fine Wines. You can Entertain your guests or be a part of Food and Wine events every Wednesday. In addition, have you ever struggled to find gifts for family or friends. I am sure they would love to receive a delicious bottle of Fine Wine from you. You can make sure that you can get this amazing wine to share with your friends and family, by seeing all the details right here.

The Entertainment online is growing every day and more and more people are choosing this option to get great Entertainment. If you read about Free TV or the Tipping Circle, you will find out, this is helping people all over the world. In Addition, we are adding to our offers frequently. as we find them. Please visit often to see the most current information we have available.