Energy – Prevail Healthy Energy Drink


Here is your solution for an all natural Energy boost that makes you feel great without the side effect of the “Crash”. This is provided from the Amazing Company, who makes products to help people, through Science. We now have another Amazing find Prevail Energy

​This amazing energy drink works in just minutes to boost your energy and it lasts for hours. Also it can help with Weight loss goals, and contains Prebiotics and antioxidants. This is not found in stores, so GO HERE to Order Prevail Energy Today.

With so many energy products out there today, who do you trust. Many contain ridiculous amounts of sugar, artificial stimulants and artificial ingredients. I started reading labels to find out and then searched the internet. It made me realize that a lot of those products are really bad for your health. Prevail Energy is different, if you go to this site through us RIGHT HERE you can look up the product. They will actually provide you with ingredients and nutritional facts. This is how I know this is the Better Product!!

What really happens within 24 hours, with some of the top selling Energy Drinks. (This will not happen with Prevail Energy!) :

Referenced From This Article and From Dr Farrimond (FOUND HERE)

Your blood pressure and heart rate rises in the first ten minutes. Then in the next 15 to 45 minutes the stimulant drug starts to keep you alert and improves your concentration.

Vinegar has a pH of 3.3. I am sure you would be shocked to know so does Red Bull. With the sugar added, it can erode the enamel on your teeth and once enamels gone its gone.

Coffee consumption, that is moderate, has been linked to longer life. While it makes us feel more alert and awake from the caffeine, it does not make us smarter. Some researchers found that caffeine impairs the ability to think creatively. However, Coffee and Tea are a better option for you than the majority of energy drinks out there.

How Caffeine Works.

Dr Farrimond said: ‘These times are about right, after drinking a caffeinated drink. The caffeine passes from the intestines into the bodies blood stream. From there it goes to the brain and all around the body.

‘Caffeine is a stimulant drug that works by clogging up the ‘tiredness signals’ in the brain. A chemical in the brain, called adenosine, is important in the role of how tired we feel. Normally adenosine tends to build up throughout the day, causing us to get sleepy in the evening. 

Caffeine is a crafty drug that temporarily blocks adenosine pathways. This gives you a boost while allowing molecules, that make you feel good, in the brain (such as dopamine) to be released more often. You will feel more alert and you feel better about yourself!

30-50 minutes: After your drink is finished, and your body has now completely absorbed the caffeine.

By 50 minutes your body has fully absorbed the caffeine but your liver also starts taking in more sugar. When the one-hour mark hits, you will experience a “sugar crash.”

Dr Farrimond said: ‘Yes, ordinarily you would expect all the caffeine to be absorbed by about 45 minutes after drinking, although it could be longer if consumed as part of a meal. 

‘The liver breaks down caffeine and caffeine does indeed raise blood sugar levels. It’s not as straight forward as the visual graphic information suggests, however. 

‘Caffeine can make low blood sugars worse in diabetics, since it does raise the blood sugars. Surprisingly, caffeine seems to be good for the liver and coffee consumption in moderation, has been linked to lower rates of liver disease and liver cancer. The same hasn’t been shown for energy drinks, however.’

60 minutes: An hour in and you’ll likely be getting the dreaded ‘sugar crash’.

This often is a mix of the sugar levels in your bloodstream dropping as well as the effects of the caffeine dying down.

Dr Farrimond said: ‘Lots of scientists don’t think the ‘sugar crash’ actually exists. We think we know when our sugar levels are high or low, but we usually can’t. 

‘Eating a meal makes us feel tired for other reasons, and we do get a comedown from caffeine. We can also feel a somewhat of a slump in energy, when the ‘happy hormones’ circulating in our brain start to wear off.’

In the next five to six hours your body reduces the content of caffeine in the bloodstream by half. 12 hours is the time it takes for all of the caffeine to be removed from the body

Five to six hours:

Roughly five to six hours is the half-life of caffeine. This means that it takes five to six hours for your body to reduce the caffeine in your bloodstream by 50 per cent. For women who take an oral contraceptive this time is doubled (10 to 12 hours).

Dr Farrimond said: This is accurate for normal weight adults. The oral contraceptive pill will make the half-life longer, although it may not be double as it depends on the precise tablet.

‘Pregnancy, liver damage and other drugs can also slow the rate at which the caffeine is eliminated from your body. 

‘Importantly, caffeinated drinks can cause behavioral problems and anxiety issues in children.’ Children and teenagers have a significantly longer half-life, meaning caffeine will remain in their blood stream for longer and at higher levels than for adults.

12 hours:

12 hours after finishing your energy drink for most people, all the caffeine will have been removed from your bloodstream. There are a lot of factors that will make results different so, that is why the exact speed or time will vary from person to person.

Dr Farrimond said: ‘Yes, this is a fair approximation, excluding children and teenagers.

12 to 24 hours:

For regular drinkers you’ll find that between 12 and 24 hours is the time for when you’ll start to feel “withdrawal” symptoms. For example, the urge for some caffeine, headaches, irritability and constipation.

Dr Farrimond said: ‘Caffeine withdrawal symptoms are usually overstated and aren’t as bad as we think they are. 

‘In blinded tests where coffee drinkers have their drinks substituted for decaffeinated ones. It was found that the withdrawal effects are pretty mild in most cases, if they exist at all.

“Withdrawal” symptoms can last for up to nine days and will depend on the amount and type of caffeine we drink. Everyone’s different, of course, but a lot of the ‘withdrawal’ symptoms seems to be in our mind.’

Seven to 12 days:

Studies have shown that this is the time frame that your body will become tolerant of your daily caffeine intake. One study found those who took a caffeine pill while others had a placebo, all showed identical moods, alert levels and energy after 18 days. Those who had the high dosage of caffeine had gotten used to their high dose “caffeine fix”.

Dr Farrimond said: ‘We do become tolerant of caffeine over time; needing more to get the same effect. It would be interesting to find out more about these ‘studies’. 

The graphic then goes on to explain why it might be good or bad to drink energy drinks. It states that most things in moderation and as part of a healthy balanced diet are fine and this goes for energy drinks. However, be careful though as there are often large amounts of sugar in many of the drinks.


Here is Your Answer – Prevail Energy!

Prevail Energy is designed to give you a healthy non jittery boost of energy, without the harmful artificial stimulants.​ It is specially formulated with pure natural ingredients.

This is not only a healthy way to get an energy boost throughout the day. In addition it increases focus and gives you maximum performance without the “crash”. Great product for the afternoon slump when you feel like you need to take a nap!!

Prevail Energy is also great for those of us who are working on a Weight loss program. This Company has so many products that will help make your life better and they all work together. Have you heard about their COFFEE yet? Or how about the Amazing Chocolaty Cocoa?

Try it for yourself and look at Energy under products on the Company’s site to find ingredients and nutritional facts. See why people from all over the world are making Prevail Energy, their source for healthy energy!​

Plus there are some key benefits.. the ones we need Energy Prevail for in the first place:

  • Works in just minutes
  • Boosts up your energy
  • Lasts for hours​

Now if you are wanting to continue with your Top Selling Brands of Energy Drinks, let us make you aware of your Heart Risks. I just ask you do your research and be safe.

Amazing Opportunities Available!!!

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